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Genomix flush tops at $14,000
- 177 embryos av $934, top $4000 (twice)
- 16 flushes av $6634, top $14,000
- 500 semen packages av $84, top $225 (50)
- 62pc clearance
AUSTRALIA’S first simultaneously live and online multi-vendor, multi-breed genetics auction, the Genomix Beef Genetics Sale, held during Beef 2015 was heralded a success by vendors and sale managers Bruce and Jonny Arkins.
The concept was praised by leading vendor Corey Ireland, Ireland’s Angus, Wagga Wagga, NSW, for the sale’s innovation and potential moving forward.
“There are excellent opportunities for this concept both domestically and internationally and the Arkins family’s Genomix sale have established a great platform to build on and should be congratulated,” Mr Ireland said.
“It was a real spectacle and a great crowd who witnessed an exciting new way to market elite beef genetics to local, regional and global markets,” he said.
Mr Ireland’s faith in the sale was justified after he topped the sale at $14,000 for a pick of the Ireland’s Angus herd flush which was bought by South Australian seed stock producer Trent Walker, Keringa Angus, Tintinara.
“We want to accelerate our program through elite genetics and the Ireland’s Angus herd is very consistent,” Mr Walker said.
Weaner Sale success
Congratulations to Jamie walker and family (pictured) ‘Mountain Maid’, Omeo sold an outstanding line of weaners to the top price $1090 for 10 month old calves at the Elders mountain calf sale in Omeo, April 2015.
Irelands RAS Steer Sucess
We were proud to sponsor Frensham ladies College with a steer for this years Royal Easter show. Irelands Ferg J1420, was a ‘Virtual taste’ award class winner at the Sydney Royal Easter Show 2015.
Irelands Sponsorship
Congratulations to all riders in the Irelands Open Saddle Bronc at the Omeo Rodeo on Easter Saturday. Also, we done to Team Irelands Angus in the BOQ Silver Stirrup Ladies Polocrosse open, who unfortunately didn’t make the final, but play exceptionally well!
- “Instructions” Team Irelands Angus – BOQ Silver Stirrup Ladies Polocrosse Open
- Team Irelands Angus – BOQ Silver Stirrup Ladies Polocrosse Open
- Open Saddle Bronc presentations at the Omeo Easter Rodeo
- Omeo Easter Rodeo
- Tash Fullgrabe enjoying the Omeo Rodeo
Irelands Autumn Bull Sale Results
The Irelands team would like to thank all bidders and underbidders at our sale today and for your support for our program. We are overwhelmed with todays results. Three sires sold to a top of $105,000 to average $58,666, and 47 commercial bulls averaged $5555 for an overall sale average of $8875. Top price bull Irelands Jeopardy J356 sold to Holstons Pastoral Company, Ensay Victoria (pictured below).
Stars align for $105,000 Irelands Jeopardy

THE wait was over last Friday as the first son of the $117,500 record priced Angus bull Irelands Galaxy G43, sold at auction to a similar fanfare to his father, when the hammer fell to the tune of $105,000, to record yet another breath taking result at Irelands Angus.
The stars aligned as auctioneer Kevin Norris, Landmark Albury, spruiked the 18 month old bull Irelands Jeopardy J356, out of an Irelands Eclypta E23 female, should have been at lot three of the sale as he was better than many had given him credit for.
It wasn’t long before he was proven to be correct as he went from $2000 bids to $5000 in the blink of an eye and the gallery watched on as a stud and commercial breeder went head to head, as the bell was rung at $100,000 before a single $5000 bid produced the knockout blow for Victorian producer Stewart Moroney, Holstons Pastoral, Ensay.
Mr Moroney runs 700 cows on 4500 acres and with his business partner Peter August, Melbourne, Vic, producing steers for their newly formed branded beef product Holstons Pastoral Platinum Angus Beef.
Mr Moroney said he bought the bull to be used in their commercial enterprise via an artificial insemination program, with a possible aim to start a stud in the future, to produce progeny on a consistent basis for their range of butcher shops.
“I loved the Galaxy sire and this was just as good and we bought him for his outstanding carcase attributes, concentrating on carcase weight, Eye muscle area, fats, intra muscular fat percentage and 400 and 600 day growth figures,” he said.
Jeopardy was +63 for cwt, +5.6 EMA, positive for rib and rump, +0.7 IMF and growth traits from +82 for 400 to +112 for 600 day growth, weighing 754kg.
“We really looked at 400 day growth, with our domestic cattle getting processed at that time while the 600 day was still important with the export product we produce also at 600 days,” he said.
Mr Moroney said they will sell semen out of Jeopardy to allow other producers to utilise his genetic strength and quality. “Working with local producers, we will sell them semen for commercial AI programs to get a volume of consistent calves on the ground that we are chasing for our branded program and we will buy their calves back at a premium price,” he said.
Mr Moroney said the paddock to plate market added a fair bit of guts to the industry, so it was a great option to get into at the moment. In the wrap up 48 of the 50 bulls sold to the dizzy heights
of $105,000 for an outstanding $8875 that will be hard to top for the 2015 selling year, on the back of another two sires selling for $41,000 and $30,000 before the regular commercial clients filled their orders between $3000 and $7000 on a regular basis.
The second top bull Irelands Jerico J385, by Raff Expedition, set the middle of the sale alight selling for $41,000 to River Street Pty Ltd, Walcha. He was 20 months of age with +5.6 for birth, +41 to +101 for growth and a raw scan of 113 centmetres for EMA.
Peter Drew, New Park Angus , Mountain View, Vic, paid $30,000 for what he regarded as the lead bull of the sale Irelands Jouster J393, by Granite Ridge Thomas out of Irelands Wargoona E5 female with +115 for 600 day growth, positive carcase data and EMA to +8.4 Mr Drew said he loved the size and depth of front on Jouster and his potential to grow out to a very big bull, matched with his great maternal traits and his overall balance of figures.
Then it was time for the regular buyers to unleash and that they did with Mitchell Investments Pty Ltd, Launceston, paying to $14,000 for another carcase bull by Te Mania Infinity in a draft of three averaging $9000, while Phillip Henwood, Wagga Wagga, averaged four at $6500 and Colin Scott and Company, Melbourne, loaded four at $6000.
David Hurley and his daughter Diana, Hurley Family Partnership, Dargo, Vic, paid $9000 and $5000 for two bulls, one of the longest serving clients Nick Cobcroft, “Highbank”, Young, landed four at $4875, while CJ Pendergast, “Omeo Station”, Omeo, followed up last years sale buying another three at $6167 after topping the Sharpe-Fullgrabe weaner sale last week and Jamie Walker “Mountain Maid” Omeo, purchased two bulls after topping the Omeo calf sales at $1090 last week.
Rounding out another fantastic sale for the Ireland family repeat clients Frank Palmer, “Alabama”, Wagga Wagga, paid to $6500 for five bulls averaging $4000 and Glengarry Pastoral Company, Sandigo, purchased three at $5167 as 30 of the 48 bulls sold between $3000 and $5500.
Earlier that day the annual Irelands Angus and clients commercial female sale topped at $1100 for eight, three to four year old PTIC cows, to calve April/May sold to Col Peacock, Wodonga, who was looking for good quality, early calving PTIC cows, while unjoined heifers also topped at $1100.
Brett Tindall – The Land Newspaper, 24 Mar, 2015
Irelands Angus, Wagga Wagga, March 20: Prices soar

Top job: Prue and Corey Ireland from Irelands Angus at Wagga Wagga, adviser Willie Milne, Glenrowan and buyer Stewart Moroney from Ensay with the top-price bull which made $105,000.
UPDATE: A COMMERCIAL buyer has paid $105,000 for an Angus bull near Wagga Wagga today.
It is the second time that Irelands Angus has sold a bull above $100,000, with the other time two years ago when Irelands Galaxy G43 made $117,500.
It was a son of this bull which made $105,000 today selling to Stewart Moroney from Holstons Pastoral Company at Ensay.
Mr Moroney said the bull would have semen collected which would then be used in their own herd and other commercial herds to supply their butcher shop in Heyfield.

Standing tall: The $105,000 bull.
Today’s sale was one of extremes with four bulls selling for $10,000 or more ($14,000; $30,000 and $41,000) but 14 bulls making $4000 or less.
The sale grossed $426,000 with 48 of the 50 bulls selling for an average of $8875.

Sales ring: The $105,000 bull.
Taking a new direction
AMONG the buyers of the top-priced lots at last year’s RAS Angus sale at Sydney Royal was Henk van den Heuvel – an emerging Angus stud operator seeking to focus on top genetics and at Sydney he found what he was after.
Taking home Irelands Wargoona H344, for $16,000 last year (a sale top also achieved by two other lots offered in the multi-vendor sale), Mr van den Heuvel was a happy customer.
Wargoona H344, born in August 2012, is the maternal sister to the international sire Irelands Fletcher which was sold in 2012 for $43,000.
Mr van den Heuvel has been consulting with Corey Ireland, of Irelands Angus, as to the breeding direction of his own stud Greendale Hill Angus, at Greendale to the west of Sydney.
Prior to purchasing “Greendale Hill Estate” about seven years ago, Mr van den Heuvel and his wife Helma had a small block of about 2.5 hectares in nearby Bringelly.
Originally from Holland and from dairy farming families, they came to Australia in 1986 (Henk had also studied here for a time).
“One of my loves is working on the the land,” he said, and he had sought to pursue cattle breeding in conjunction to his role as co-owner of Hortraco, a horticultural trading company based in Mount Druitt.
He had his heart set on Angus cattle.
“I think Angus are a very nice breed,” he said, citing their size, shape, looks and handleability.
He has been running a commercial herd of Angus, but has been transitioning to his own Angus stud.
A key aspect to his stud development plans has been a strong emphasis on pasture improvement and clearing on the property, especially from wild olives.
Part of his pasture improvement has involved aeration of his light clay soils – he said the benefits had been remarkable and farmers should consider an aerator to see benefits in their soils.
“It’s not just what’s on top, but it’s also what’s in the soil that counts as well,” he said.
Mr van den Heuvel said Corey Ireland had been a key figure and wonderful help in the past few years.
Irelands team success at National Angus Youth Roundup – Wodonga 15th – 18th January 2015
Irelands are proud to be associated with the National Angus Youth Roundup recently held in Wodonga, four great days of education, fun and cat tale handling resulted in great success for the Ireland Team. Members of the Irelands Team pictured (L-R) Georgina Rayner, Sarah Rayner, Ryan Brady, Chelsea Rayner, Will and Charlie Ireland.
Irelands Proud to support the 2015 Junior Angus roundup
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